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Antitrust policy statement

Antitrust policy statement

One of the fundamental driving values for the organisers is to ensure that all activities during Pulp & Beyond 2024 event are conducted in strict compliance with the relevant EU competition law. This should be kept in mind by all individuals and organisations attending Pulp & Beyond conference, exhibition, excursions and all other occasions during the event in order to ensure full integrity of the event, and act always in full accordance with competition law as well as the Guidelines for Compliance with EU Competition Rules.

The purpose of the Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association (PI) is to organise different conferences, seminars and exhibitions and to generate interest in forest products engineering as a career option as well as to promote education and research in the field of forest-based bioeconomy. The association does not play any part in the competitive decisions made by its members or the employers of its members, and thus, PI does not restrict the competition between companies in any way.