Attract future employees to your stand
Employer of the Future theme day – Let us know you are in!
Is your company seeking new talents? Now you have a great opportunity to introduce your company to students and job seekers. Participate in the Employer of the Future theme day.
Pulp & Beyond offers a programme for students and other career seekers in the industry. The exhibitors of Pulp & Beyond have the opportunity to be part of the theme day from an employer perspective and discuss different career options with students and job seekers. Companies participating in the theme day will be given a Employer of the Future theme day sticker, which can be affixed to the stand or to the clothing of the staff on site, for example, to indicate that your stand has recruitment professionals.
Participation in the theme day is free of charge! Registration for the theme day has ended.
We market the theme day and participating companies on the event’s website as well as in other marketing channels.

Boost your recruitment & your employer brand
The Employer of the Future theme day is meant for university students and for career changers interested in the wood processing industry. Bring your company’s HR representative to the stand to share information about the company’s job opportunities and improve your position in the recruitment market.
Make sure that the staff responsible for school collaborations, student projects, and recruitment are available to students throughout the day.
Reach jobseekers
The day’s programme is designed with students and jobseekers in mind. Why not also organise a tailored programme for students in your own stand? The students’ day will end with an After work event for students, starting at 2 PM.

Stand out from the crowd
We recommend that you plan a tailored stand programme for students in advance if you want them to stay on your stand for a longer period of time. The participating companies and their stand programmes for students will be presented on the Employer of the Future page.
All participating companies will be included on the Student Day map, which will be given to students on the event. Students will receive a stamp on the map when they visit your stand, and students who have collected enough stamps will be rewarded at the end of the day at an After work event. Participating companies will receive Employer of the Future badges for their stand.
Here are tips on how to succeed and gain visibility at the Employer of the Future
– student day

Stand visibility and stand visits
We will provide all participating companies’ stands with Employer of the Future badges, which will be attached to your stand by Messukeskus, as well as badges for staff clothing. We hope that the badges will be visible on the chests of student recruiters so students feel confident to approach them with a low barrier. You can get more badges from the exhibition office.
If you want students to stay longer at your stand and engage better with them, we recommend arranging refreshments for students at your stand. Also we suggest organizing activities such as playful tasks that students can participate in during their visit.
Tell us in beforehand what students can experience from your stand and why it’s worth visiting. If you want, you can organise a separate registration (e.g. to find out how many people will attend for the catering) or invite students from a specific sector. We can publish your company’s own participation link on the Pulp & Beyond Student Day page.
Partner for Student Day – Sponsorship Opportunity at the After-work Event
By sponsoring the Employer of the Future Student Day, you have the opportunity to boost your visibility at the After work event at the end of the day.
Throughout the day, students will visit the stands of the companies participating in Employer of the Future Day and collect stamps. Students who have collected enough stamps will be able to enjoy drinks and refreshments at the After work party.
The companies participating in sponsoring the After Work event are mentioned on various platforms, including the Pulp & Beyond website alongside the event details, as well as on social media and in the newsletter sent to students. Additionally, the company is mentioned on the Student Day map distributed to students at the fair.
At the fair venue, partner logos are displayed on pub signs. Furthermore, companies have the opportunity to bring their own brochure to be distributed at the pub during the After Work event (the brochure could, for example, provide information about job opportunities). A representative from the company may also attend the After Work event to network with students.

Any questions? Ask for more information:
Noora Sormunen, event producer